During the 2017 Wasco County 2040 Visioning roadshow and public outreach, Planning staff and the Citizen Advisory Group asked community members, property owners, and stakeholders for input on amending land use planning regulations to allow for more opportunities for agri-tourism events and activities.

In 2011, Senate Bill 960 allowed counties to adopt new provision, in whole or in part (or not at all) to allow for additional types of activities and events, in conjunction with farm use.  These were categorized as “agri-tourism” uses and designed to be related to and in support of agriculture.

These uses would be added to Wasco County’s Exclusive Farm Use Zones (A-1 (160) and A-1 (40) regulations in the Land Use and Development Ordinance.  They are exclusive to state law, and therefore the National Scenic Area would not be eligible for these additional uses.

Staff has prepared the following white paper to help inform the public on the key issues related to agri-tourism and land use planning: Agritourism whitepaper WC 2040