Staff and the Citizen Advisory Group are tackling the first work tasks on our work plan, making updates to Goal 1 and 2 while simultaneously changing the look of the Comprehensive Plan.  Amendments are focused on two main objectives: to align current policy with current practice and to format of the Comprehensive Plan to make it more readable.  The new format of Wasco County 2040 will be focused around each land use planning goal.  Within each goal, there are specific policies and implementation points that help us to achieve our vision.

The proposed changes reflect feedback from the public and our Periodic Review Assistance Team, and are consistent with many current practices for citizen involvement and land use planning.

The first hearing was on April 3rd with the Wasco County Planning Commission.  The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend adoption of the amended Chapters 1 and 2 to the Wasco County Board of Commissioners.  You can review the packet to review the proposed amendments, read the staff report, and learn more about the proposed changes here: here for a pdf of the packet.

These first two amendments are tasks 1 and 2 of our State approved work plan for Wasco County 2040.  The work plan consists of over 19 work tasks that cover a range of topics related to land use planning including agriculture, natural resources, housing and economic development.  The anticipated completion date for all work tasks are 2020, so there is still time to submit a comment, participate in our work sessions and hearings, and follow the progress.

WorkTasks 1 & 2

The process for adopting the amendments, or changes, looks like this:

Work Task Process

Staff is currently planning a Spring/Summer roadshow to talk to the public about water conservation plans, agri-tourism, land use planning incentives and economic development policies.  This is a great opportunity to provide feedback and ideas about how land use planning and Wasco County 2040 can help us achieve the goals of prosperity 20 years into the future!

We will also be launching a new survey next month, and continue to post information and data about a variety of topics to help keep you informed and up to date on our progress.