The Planning Commission voted 6 to 1 to recommend approval of Ordinance 20-001 to the Board of County Commissioners. This Ordinance pertains to proposed revisions to Goals 5, 4, 8 and includes revisions to sensitive wildlife maps (EPD-8, EPD-12) and the adoption of a destination resort eligibility map.

The Planning Commission also voted 7 to 0 to recommend approval of Ordinance 20-004 to the Board of County Commissioners. This Ordinance pertains to proposed revisions to chapters on Plan Revisions Process, Goal Exceptions and the Introduction.

The Board of County Commissioners will hold the first hearing on these matters on October 7th at 10AM. The Board of County Commissioners is currently holding meetings and hearings via video conferencing. More details can be found here:

For a two page summary of proposed revisions please view this overview:

Or you can read through our longer FAQ: