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Wasco County Food Systems

Gorge Grown Food Network and the Columbia Gorge Community Health Assessment in 2013 have given us some good data to understand food systems in Wasco County and how it impacts our businesses and residents.

Staff has prepared an infographic that shares the highlights from data available The Oregon Community Food Systems Network.

Access to services and products, like food and groceries, is one aspect of consideration for planners when they look at things like rezones or creating new residential communities.  This information is also important to understand new trends in distribution and crop production.

We encourage residents and businesses, when participating in our visioning for Wasco County 2040, to consider things like access to fresh, healthy foods as part of the picture for Wasco County’s future.  Although most of our restaurants and grocery stores are in the urban and incorporated areas, outside of the County’s jurisdiction, how we plan for future growth will continue to have an impact on those goods and services.

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